ifm3d-ros Troubleshooting Guide

You can use this guide to help you identify and resolve problems you may experience in using the ifm3d-ros package.

List of contents:

ifm3d-ros services provide no response

On systems utilizing a single core processor, you may find that the Dump, Config and Trigger services of ifm3d-ros package do not provide any response when invoked.

This issue can be resolved by setting the ”num_worker_threads” parameter for your ROS nodelet manager to use a value > 1. You can read more about this parameter here.

The snippet below show’s how to set this parameter using the nodelet.launch file of the ifm3d-ros package.

  <node pkg="nodelet"
        name="$(arg camera)_standalone_nodelet"
      <param name="num_worker_threads" value="2" />

Alternatively if a virtual machine is being used, configuring it to utilize more than one core should resolve this issue without any changes to the launch file.

ifm3d-ros nodelet can not connect to O3R camera head

If the user forgets to set the PCIC port (our standard communication port for data broadcasting) the default PCIC port argument will be used default_pcic_port = 50010. This TCP-IP port (50010) corresponds with the physical port 0 on the VPU. The 2D RGB imager or 3D ToF imager of choice therefore needs to be connected to exactly this port.

When these two port arguments don’t match you will likely see something along these lines, being repeatedly posted to your shell:

[ INFO] [1628860557.703261704]: Running dtors...
[ INFO] [1628860557.704592043]: Initializing camera...
[ INFO] [1628860558.705489893]: Initializing framegrabber...
[ INFO] [1628860558.706352595]: Initializing image buffer...
[ WARN] [1628860559.207288723]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860559.708197339]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860560.209029697]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860560.709553855]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860561.210310005]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860561.710739497]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860562.211714793]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860562.712752207]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860563.213765790]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860563.714424040]: Timeout waiting for camera!
[ WARN] [1628860563.714658175]: Attempting to restart framegrabber...

The fix for this is easy: just remember the first 4 digits of the PCIC port argument will stay the same, the last one corresponds to the physical port as marked on the VPU.

RGB images not shown in RViz

If the rgb images are send (validate with rostopic hz <topic_name>) but RViz is unable to visualize them, you may be missing the needed image_transport plugins. The RViz error message will notify you about the missing plugin.

As image_transport is defined as dependency in the package.xml of ifm3d_ros_driver, it can easily be install with rosdep install. If you prefer using apt directly, run sudo apt install ros-noetic-image-transport.